
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
構字語境對 "說文" "羊" 部件字構意影響的研究 = Study on the influence of Chinese word-formation language environment on Chinese character configuration and meaning of Yang words in Shuo Wen Jie Zi check Full Text
徐嘉憶 邵朝陽 2020. Master
孤獨者的失落與尊嚴 : 存在主義視角下的白先勇及其作品 = Frustration and dignity of the solitary : Pai Hsien-yung and his novels from the perspective of existentialism check Full Text
宋楊 譚美玲 2017. Master
古鼎作香爐: 宋元時期燒香器皿的轉型 check Full Text
范楨 張澤珣 2023. Doctoral
古今哀祭文體式演變研究 = The research on genre of mourning writing check Full Text
徐洪歸 譚美玲 2022. Master
古今中外法律術語對澳門法律翻譯的影響 = The influence of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign legal terms on legal translation in Macao check Full Text
范彩虹 吳奇琦 2021. Master
股東代表訴訟當事人制度研究 = Research on the party's system of Shareholder's Representative Action check Full Text
王穎 范劍虹 2013. Master
股東知情權的契約分析 = The contractual analysis of shareholders' right to know check Full Text
王立 稅兵 2015. Master
股權眾籌投資者權益保護問題研究 : 以合法性風險, 欺詐風險及投後風險為視角 = Research on the protection of the rights and interests of equity crowdfunding investors : from the view of legality, fraud and post-investment risk check Full Text
Ma, Lin 范劍虹 2017. Master
股權轉讓中登記之法律效力研究 = The study on the legal effect of registration in equity transfer check Full Text
李琪 范劍虹 2019. Master
林桂桁 范劍虹 2008. Master
Total Results: 10000

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