
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
"& listen for my cluted breath" : silence and shame in Ocean Vuong's Night Sky with Exit Wounds check Full Text
Lin, Jun De Chavez, Jeremy 2021. Master
"5E"教學模式應用於初一地理教學之成效 : 以人教版七上的「地形圖的判讀」及「人口」單元為例 check Full Text
趙彩欣 施達明 2022. Master
"澳門記略"反映的澳門土生葡語面貌 = The facet of Portuguese dialect of Macau in "The Monograph of Macau"
胡慧明 程祥徽 2000. Master
"滄浪詩話" '五法' 義研究 = A study of the meaning of "wufa" in Yan Yu's Canglang shihua
Chen, Guo-Ming 鄧國光 2009. Doctoral
"城中村" 改造模式的選擇
李瑾 李桃 2014. Master
"楚辭·九歌" 與中原文化關係蠡測 = A primary enquiry to the relationship between the Nine Songs of Chuci and the Central region's culture
侯永振 屈原 2012. Master
"春秋繁露" 與菫學淵源研究 check Full Text
林澤春 楊義 2021. Doctoral
"大宅門" 研究 = Research of "The Grand Mansion Gate" check Full Text
任昕璐 鄧駿捷 2019. Master
"弟子規" 融入品德教育之行動研究 : 以孝道與自律為核心 check Full Text
黃偉健 宋明娟 2021. Master
"對賭協議" 的效力探析 : 從 "海富案" 展開 = The exploration of validity of the valuation adjustment mechanism : unfolding from the "case of HaiFu" check Full Text
張贇傑 唐曉晴 2017. Master
Total Results: 130

Showing 1 to 10 of 130 results