
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
王安憶與張愛玲的小說藝術比較研究 = A comparative study on the novelistic aethetics of Wang Anyi and Eileen Chang
別業青 龔剛 2010. Master
王羲之文學研究 = A study of Wang Xizhi's literary works check Full Text
張燕雯 鄧駿捷 2017. Master
王陽明的詩及其精神世界 : 王陽明中早期詩歌研究 = Wang Yangming's poetry and spiritual world : a study of Wang Yangming's early and mid-term poetry check Full Text
湯雅如 龔剛 2018. Master
王逸 "楚辭章句" 對 "離騷" 的義理解讀 : 以 "詩" 言志的經世精神 = The philosophical connotations interpretation on Li Sao in Wang Yi's Chu Ci Zhang Ju : focusing on the practical spirit of "Poems Expressing Ambitions" check Full Text
邱禮賢 鄧國光 2017. Master
Total Results: 4