UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
個人信息保護法中同意規則的適用邊界研究 : 兼談中國之借鑒
- English Abstract
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The development of information technology has brought widespread attention to the protection of personal information. In order to protect the rights and interests of personal information away from uncontrolled processing, Countries are committed to advancing personal information protection legislation. Another reason is related to the use of data resources in competition. there are two main contradictions in the protection of personal information. One is the conflict of interests between the information subject and the information processor; the other is the contradiction between the protection of personal information and the use of information resources. Right to information self-determination is one of the most important right for individuals. the theory of informed consent was introduced into the personal information protection law and became a core rule for the purpose of protection the right. After years of practice the effectiveness of the consent rule in practice is far from the function presupposed. Especially under the current background of processing technology, the “consent” of now is quietly different from the “true consent” which satisfies the requirements of informed consent theory. In this context, discussions on the consent rule have sprung up with its own propositions. However, research has found that the provisions about the “consent” had been interpret extremely detailed in the personal information protection legislation. The reasons for the failure of informed consent should not be the construction, but in applicable process. The interpretation of informed consent rules is precondition for application. This research is based on rich cases to correctly sort out the application relationship and application restrictions of informed consent in the field of personal information protection and providing reference for legislation and justice. Key words: personal information, informed consent, right of information self-determination, Scope of application , applicable limitation
- Chinese Abstract
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信息技術的發展重新引發對個人信息保護的廣泛關注。為了保護個人信息權益,避免個人信息被無節制的處理,世界上多個國家和地區都致力於推進本國或者本地區的信息保護立法工作,完善個人信息保護規則。通過研究發現,對個人信息保護進行立法之做法被普遍推崇的主要原因與數據資源的利用、流動與競爭有關。個人信息保護中存在兩個主要的利益矛盾:一是個人信息主體與信息處理者之間的利益矛盾;二是個人信息保護與信息資源利用之間的利益矛盾。前述兩類矛盾,在本質上屬於同質性的利益衝突問題。“同意”規則,或稱”知情同意“規則是相關立法中普遍確立的保護個人信息的規則之一。“信息自決權”是個人最主要的信息權利,為保障這一權利,知情同意理論被引入到個人信息保護法之中,成為一項核心規則。然而,經過多年實踐,“同意” 規則在實踐中發揮的實際效用,與法律為其預設的功能相比相距甚遠。尤其是在當前的信息處理技術背景下“日漸式微”,信息主體的“同意”與滿足知情同意要求的“真正的同意”相差迥然。在此背景下,關於同意規則的討論蜂出並作,各有其主張。“同意”規則功能之實現有賴於規則之適用,尤為關鍵的是在規則的適用中能夠調和利益衝突的矛盾,在利益博弈的主體間進行平衡以實現公平。研究發現,個人信息保護立法中,關於“同意”規則的具體規定以及條款的解釋都已極盡詳實。繼續從規則的建構層面去爭論和探討,並不能夠解決“同意”規則在適用中出現的問題,亦非當下個人信息保護面臨的核心問題。再精妙的立法不經適用都不能發揮其功能,“同意”規則“失靈”的癥結所在不是規則建構本身,而在於對規則的正確解讀與具體適用。“同意”規則適用邊界的不明朗,是導致適用中亂象與錯誤的根底。個人信息保護中的“同意”規則從出現在信息保護法中至今已有 50 餘年的歷史,以此為基礎誕生的豐富判例和其中體現的對“同意”規則具體適用的解釋與邏輯可以為研究“同意”規則的適用問題提供豐富的參考。對立法中“同意”規則相關條款的正確解讀,是正確適用的先決條件。對“同意”規則之理論基礎的正確理解,是正確解讀立法目的及條款的前提。故,本研究立足於對“知情同意”理論的法理基礎研究,與適用“同意”規則的豐富案例的基礎上,對個人信息保護法中“同意”規則的適用邊界進行研究與發現,從權益交戰的“公平性”角度來論證“同意”規則在信息技術時代的理性構建,以期正確梳理知情同意規則在信息保護領域的適用關係和適用限制,從而為立法中規則的科學構建和實踐中的正確解釋與適用提供參考。 關鍵字:個人信息,知情同意,信息自決權,適用范圍,適用限制
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Law
- Degree
- Subject
Data protection -- Law and legislation
數據防護 -- 法規
Data protection -- Law and legislation -- China
數據防護 -- 法規 -- 中國
Privacy, Right of
Privacy, Right of -- China
隱私權及其法規 -- 中國
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991010081427206306