
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
The effects of the booming gaming industry on Macao's public finance and future economic development
Chio, Si Nga 林明基 2009. Master
The relations between Chinese family leisure involvement, family communication, family cohesion, and filial piety : a moderated mediation model
Lei, Hio Wai 陳薇文 2024. Master
The use of two codes in Hong Kong and Macao newspapers
Sio, Chung Yin Guthrie, William 2006. Master
Topic-prominence and subject-prominence : exploring the influence of Chinese topic-based sentence features on Macau students' English writing
Leong, Veng I Moody, Andrew Jackson 2006. Master
Translating culture-specific words : a comparative study of two English versions of San Guo Yan Yi
Cheong, Chi Hang Lei, Lai Cheng 2012. Master
The impact of tourism on economic growth in China : a panel data analysis
Tao, Yuan Chen, Yu 2008. Master
Translation in light of relevance theory : a case analysis of two English translations of "阿Q正傳" (The Story of Ah Q)
Lo, Tong Un Venkatesan, Hari 2008. Master
The Portuguese interests in Macau in the first half of the 18th century
Carmo, Maria Helena do Abreu, Humberto 1998. Master
The Macao journalists' perceptions of the media's roles
Wong, Chi Him Chen, Huai Lin 2006. Master
The exchange rate of RMB and the employment in China
Li, Yuan Yuan Chang, Hsiao-Chuan 2008. Master
Total Results: 1104

Showing 1 to 10 of 1104 results