
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Narrative, truth and power in an Insular Possession
Chin, Wai Leng Chiu, Man Yin 2008. Master
Needs analysis and curriculum design : a case study of non-Chinese-speaking staff at the University of Macau
Luo, Lan Timmermans, Glenn Henry 2006. Master
New iconic symbol in/of Macao : the new globalized consumer spaces
Hong, Ioi Man Simpson,Timothy Alan 2007. Master
Nuclear weapon : a stabilizing or destabilizing factor in international relations?
Chan, Hoi Chun Wang Jianwei 2013. Master
Natural resource abundance and economic growth : an empirical test with Chinese provincial panel data
Li, Qi Ho, Wai Hong 2008. Master
Nineteenth century representations of footbinding to the english reading public
Adams, Sandra May, Kerr, Douglas W. 1993. Master
New issues in the development of European Union water law check Full Text
Sun, Jie Castro, Paulo Canelas de 2013. Master
News being a marketing tool in this social media era : take "Exmoo Feature Team" as an example check Full Text
Leong, Hong Ip 林玉鳳 2020. Master
News in micro-blogs of mainstream traditional media : from the content to the form check Full Text
Pan, Yi Xin 吳玫 2015. Master
Neurocognitive mechanisms of second-and third-party punishment with time delays check Full Text
Huang, Jia Min Wu, Haiyan 2022. Master
Total Results: 147

Showing 1 to 10 of 147 results