
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


Needs analysis and curriculum design : a case study of non-Chinese-speaking staff at the University of Macau

English Abstract

Although Putonghua is becoming an important lingua franca in Macau, there are no curricula specifically designed for the non-Chinese-speaking academic staff members who have little knowledge of any Chinese dialect at the University of Macau. The purpose of this research project is to select and evaluate Putonghua materials and conduct a needs analysis for these University of Macau non-Chinese-speaking academic staff. In addition this study will examine their language attitudes as well as motivations to learn Putonghua, and design a curriculum for this group. There searcher identified, as a result of this study, a number of issues and challenges relating to Putonghua education in Macau and these will be discussed in the context of curriculum development. Insights from this research can assist the target group to learn Putonghua by helping them to make informed choices in learning Putonghua, and it is hoped that this can help to identify other areas for more in-depth investigation.

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Luo, Lan

Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of English



Chinese Language -- Spoken Chinese -- Study and teaching -- Macau

Chinese language -- Study and teaching -- Macau


Timmermans, Glenn Henry

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