
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Nineteenth century representations of footbinding to the english reading public
Adams, Sandra May, Kerr, Douglas W. 1993. Master
Niches : the opportunity of the Macau economy beyond 1999
Kuan, Sio In Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1997. Master
Nonlinear vibrations of axially-loaded anti-symmetric cross-ply cylindrical shells
Gao, Yong Iu, Vai Pan 1999. Master
Nd : YAG laser processing and mould making by laser laminated-object manufacturing
Lo, Kin Ho Zhu, Yun Ming 1999. Master
Normal systems of modal logic
Chou, Soi Ngan, Loureiro, Maria Isabel do Carmo de Almeida 2000. Master
Nonlinear time series analysis of Chinese stock markets : Shanghai stock exchanges & Shenzhen stock exchanges
Chu, Kuok Kun 2000. Master
Numerical methods with circulant-like preconditioners for ODE systems
宋麗麗 Jin, Xiao Qing 2002. Master
Non-scan Design For Testability of digital circuits based on Genetic Algorithm = 基於基因算法的數字電路非掃描可測性設計
Ng, Chi Long Samandari, Farid 2002. Master
Numerical modeling of embankment on soft marine clay stabilized by vertical drains
Sam, Wa Ngai Lok, Man Hoi 2003. Master
Noise analysis of microwave lumped and transversal filter
Chiang, Kuok Vai Tam, Kam Weng 2004. Master
Total Results: 147

Showing 1 to 10 of 147 results