
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
PFLL(Criminal and Procedural Law) 000 (SAMPLE) 刑事法學 : 中國刑事法 = Criminal and procedural law : Criminal and procedural law in China / Zhang Xingshi.
張形仕 唐曉晴 2022. Doctoral
PFLL(Criminal Juridical Sciences) 000 (SAMPLE) 國際刑事政策視角下的跨國販賣人口犯罪研究
郭晶 趙國強 2012. Doctoral
PFLL(Criminal Law) 000 (SAMPLE) 我國單位犯罪刑事責任機制研究
楊慧 趙國強 2018. Doctoral
PFLL(Economic Juridical Sciences) 000 (SAMPLE) As relações económicas e comerciais entre a China e os países Africanos de língua oficial Portuguesa : alguns aspectos juridicos e economicos = Economic and trade relations between China and African Portuguese-speaking countries : some legal and economic aspects
Machava, Almeida Zacarias Porto Manuel Carlos Lopes 2013. Doctoral
PFLL(European Union Law) 000 (SAMPLE) 比較視域中的犯罪論體系 : 由差異至普適
潘星丞 趙國強 2014. Doctoral
PFLL(International Business Law and Dispute Resolution) 000 (SAMPLE) International business law and dispute resolution
Zhuo, Guo Ji Neuwirth Rostam J. 2022. Doctoral
PFLL(International Business Law) 000 (SAMPLE) Health and trade debate : insight from the traditional Chinese medicine
Zhuo, Jing Neuwirth Rostam J. 2018. Doctoral
PFLL(International Law) 000 (SAMPLE) Cooperation and procedural centralization in insolvency cases for multi-jurisdictional enterprise groups : a proposal for Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR
Li, Xiao Lin 涂廣建 2018. Doctoral
PFLL(Jurisprudence and Legal History) 000 (SAMPLE) 法哲學與法制史 : 澳門法哲學 = Jurisprudence and legal history : Macau jurisprudence / Chan Fa Che.
陳法哲 唐曉晴 2022. Doctoral
PFLL(Law on Technology and Medicine) 000 (SAMPLE) 科技法與醫療法 : 以香港科技法與醫療法為例
何科技 涂廣建 2022. Doctoral
Total Results: 10000

Showing 7981 to 7990 of 10000 results