
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
EU eastern enlargement : impact on domestic institutional change : the Bulgarian anti-corruption policy case
Cai, Shuang 2008. Master
EU energy policy after the Treaty of Lisbon : breakthroughs, interfaces and opportunity
Zhu, Feng Castro, Paulo Canelas de 2012. Master
EU in global climate governance : taking the EU ETS as an example check Full Text
Zhao, Tong Wang Jianwei 2014. Master
EU policy on counter-terrorism and U.S.-EU cooperation after the 9/11 Attacks check Full Text
He, Cheng Lei Chen, Ding Ding 2015. Master
EU recent crisis : causes, evolution path and consequences on Chinese economy (2005-2019) check Full Text
Zeng, Yue Ting Pilotto, Stefano 2019. Master
EU rule of law promotion abroad and its cooperation with China in the context of international rule of law
Zhang, Jiao 曾令良 2014. Doctoral
EU sanctions : how effective is it? / Guo Jingxi.
Guo, Jing Xi Wang Jianwei 2015. Master
EU technical regulations and standards on textiles and their effect on imports from China
Lu, Tian Francis, Snyder 2009. Master
Eu tenho medo de gostar disto : do proposito ideologico ao projecto ficcional
Duarte, Maria Margarida Lourenco 1998. Master
EU water law : the right balance between environmental and economic considerations?
Zhou, Jia Lei Castro, Paulo Canelas de 2005. Master
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