
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
澳門都市更新與居民信任的關係 : 以 "祐漢新邨" 為例 check Full Text
黃樂昕" 林玉鳳 2024. Master
吳業華 卞鷹 2007. Master
邱庭彪, 趙國強 2003. Master
澳門多語現象研究 = Multilinguism : the case of Macau
張卓夫, 鄧景濱 2000. Master
澳門發展電競賽事產業的SWOT分析 = The SWOT analysis of the Macau E-sports industry check Full Text
鄧凱文 邢榮發 2020. Master
澳門發展電子競技產業的可行性研究 = A feasibility study of Macau's E-sports industry check Full Text
劉善行 林廣志 2019. Master
澳門法定繼承順位制度研究 = A study on the sequence of legal heirs in Macao check Full Text
張曉敏 唐曉晴 2015. Master
澳門法律翻譯的經驗與實踐 check Full Text
陳艷芳 蘇建峰 2016. Master
澳門法上的動物法律地位研究 : 以葡萄牙立法經驗為視角 = Research on the legal status of animals in Macau law : from the perspective of Portuguese legislative experience check Full Text
鄧啓聰 吳奇琦 2023. Master
澳門法院違基本法審查權中的幾個基本問題研究 = Research on the several basic questions on Macau courts' power of legislative review according to the Basic Law check Full Text
陳睿 駱偉建 2017. Master
Total Results: 10000

Showing 301 to 310 of 10000 results