
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
Therapeutic effect of dihydroartemisinin on triple-negative breast cancer and its underlying molecular mechanism check Full Text
Xing, Xin Gan Zheng, Wen Hua 2023. Doctoral
Targeting GSK3β-CHK1 to induce synthetic lethality in lung cancer with FHIT loss via blocking homologous recombination repair
Tao Shi Shi, Shim Joong Sup 2024. Doctoral
Task-based teaching of English in China's Mainland : a case study of four "master" teachers
Chen, Pei Wilhelm, Kim Hughes 2008. Doctoral
Transfer learning for time series data
He, Qi Qiao, Si Yain Whar 2024. Doctoral
Towards the efficient solutions of steady Euler equations and applications in reinforcement learning for the aerodynamic optimal design
Wang, Jing Feng Hu, Guang Hui 2024. Doctoral
The application of brain imaging tools in personalized diagnostic strategy for neurocognitive disorder
Zeng, Xing Lin Yuan, Zhen 2024. Doctoral
The mental health status of clinically stable adolescents with psychiatric disorders and their caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic in China check Full Text
Cai, Hong Xiang Yu Tao 2023. Doctoral
TACR3 inhibitor elicit synthetic lethality and overcome PARP inhibitor resistance in BRCA1 mutation breast cancer check Full Text
Zhang, Lei Deng, Chu Xia 2023. Doctoral
Three levels of prevention in epidemiologic research : a case study with allergic diseases and Parkinson's Disease check Full Text
Hou, Xiang Qing Wong, Garry 2023. Doctoral
Targeting strategies for enhancing optical imaging guided diagnosis and therapy of nanomedicines check Full Text
Wei, Zi Xiang Zhang, Xuan Jun 2023. Doctoral
Total Results: 1107

Showing 1 to 10 of 1107 results