
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
The magic wand : mobile phone use and Fujian entrepreneurs in China
Lin, Hai Yun 吳玫 2008. Master
Transmission of equity returns and volatility in Asia-Pacific markets : a multivariate GARCH analysis
Zhou, Jin Shun Zheng, Ming Li 2009. Master
Traducao automatica chines-portugues : uma analise das locucoes adverbiais de tempo
Liu, Si You Leal, Ana Luisa Varani 2013. Master
Terminologia do desfile de Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro : um glossario em Chines
Lai, Jiing Liang Gohn, Carlos 2013. Master
The relations between Chinese family leisure involvement, family communication, family cohesion, and filial piety : a moderated mediation model
Lei, Hio Wai 陳薇文 2024. Master
The use of two codes in Hong Kong and Macao newspapers
Sio, Chung Yin Guthrie, William 2006. Master
Topic-prominence and subject-prominence : exploring the influence of Chinese topic-based sentence features on Macau students' English writing
Leong, Veng I Moody, Andrew Jackson 2006. Master
Translating culture-specific words : a comparative study of two English versions of San Guo Yan Yi
Cheong, Chi Hang Lei, Lai Cheng 2012. Master
The impact of tourism on economic growth in China : a panel data analysis
Tao, Yuan Chen, Yu 2008. Master
Translation in light of relevance theory : a case analysis of two English translations of "阿Q正傳" (The Story of Ah Q)
Lo, Tong Un Venkatesan, Hari 2008. Master
Total Results: 1107

Showing 21 to 30 of 1107 results