
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
The development of ESP teaching materials for secondary students studying fashion design in Macao
Lam, Ian Ian Wilhelm, Kim Hughes 2008. Master
Tourism English in Macao, a case study
Iun, Ka Man Kuong, Io Kei 2008. Master
The ghost story across cultures : a study of Liaozhai Zhiyi by Pu Songling and the Celtic Twilight by William Butler Yeats
Wong, Kuok Kelen Christopher 2008. Master
The integration of European banking sector in the post-crisis era check Full Text
Li, Xin Rui Hall Rodney Bruce 2013. Master
The making of a "humble" leader : analysis of Germany's role in European integration check Full Text
Yan, Jing Jing Song Weiqing 2014. Master
The reporting of France by Chinese-language newspapers and its public image in China check Full Text
Wang, Li Na Hao, Yufan 2013. Master
The rise of China and readjustment in Chinese foreign policy strategy in East Asia
Choi, Cheng Man Song Weiqing 2013. Master
The symbolisation of Macao identity
Leong, Sok Wai Kelen Christopher 2006. Master
Translation shifts of speech roles and modality in legislative and business texts
Choi, Wai Kuan Wang, Xian 2012. Master
The borrowed tongue : the Filipino poet in English from 1905 to 2005
Munoz Balajadia, Oscar Timmermans, Glenn Henry 2007. Master
Total Results: 1107

Showing 11 to 20 of 1107 results