
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
The impact of peer SES on students academic achievement in Macau, Hong Kong and mainland-China check Full Text
Gao, Yue 周憶粟 2019. Master
The legal issues and challenges relating to the exploration and exploitation of the outer space and implications for China
Wang, Qian Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2010. Master
The treatment of state-owned enterprises under China's anti-monopoly and foreign competition laws : problems and prospects for China's economy check Full Text
Xie, Mei Ting Svetlicinii, Alexandr 2016. Master
The civil liability regime of air transportation in Macau check Full Text
Lau, Oi Shan Neuwirth Rostam J. 2017. Master
The applicability of China's Bilateral Investment Treaty to Hong Kong and Macau check Full Text
Bie, Liang Hui Mo Shijian 2017. Master
The enforceability of China-made ad hoc arbitration awards in China check Full Text
Yang, Bo Yuan Mo Shijian 2018. Master
The difficult balance between the principles of territorial integrity of the states and self-determination of the peoples check Full Text
Alvim, Diogo de Sousa Castro, Paulo Canelas de 2012 Master
The "Bosman Ruling" and the regulation of football in the People's Republic of China
Li, Hong Neuwirth Rostam J. 2011. Master
The preliminary ruling : jurisdictional mechanism of cooperation between the Court of Justice of the European Union and national courts
Lu, Yun Castro, Paulo Canelas de 2010. Master
The relationship between competition law and IP law as exemplified by the fashion industry : from China's perspective check Full Text
Cai, Yi Chen Neuwirth Rostam J. 2017. Master
Total Results: 1107

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