
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Motivation in second language learning : A small-scale qualitative study of language attitudes in a Macau English-medium secondary school
Li, Iok Meng Moody, Andrew Jackson 2012. Master
Macao poetry today : a study of contemporary writing across cultures
Vong, Lai Ieng Kelen Christopher 2008. Master
Macanese in the global network : a study of post-colonial Macanese cultural identity performance
Larrea Y Eusebio, Maria Elisabela Simpson, Timothy Alan 2008. Master
Marked adjacency pairs and English code-switched items : seven case studies of turn-by-turn conversation in Guess in Taiwan
Chang, Huan Hua Moody, Andrew Jackson 2013. Master
Macao's economic competitiveness in the Pan-PRD region
He, Miao Ho, Wai Hong 2009. Master
Modernizing the laws for the collateralization of intellectual property : China in a world perspective
Lin, Min Neuwirth Rostam J. 2011. Master
Mudam-se os tempos mudam-se os casamentos? O casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo e o direito Portugues
Santos, Duarte Cid, Nuno de Salter 2008. Master
Money laundering control in Macau gaming industry
Jiang, Hua Godinho, Jorge A. F. 2010. Master
Making decision with Xiaohongshu? : an analysis of travel behavior of Mainland visitors to Macau check Full Text
Wong, Si Lam Li, Xiao Qin 2023. Master
Medialization and police-media power relations in China check Full Text
Hong, Qing Yang 徐建華 2023. Master
Total Results: 352

Showing 1 to 10 of 352 results