
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Does Macao suffer from Dutch disease? : effects of gambling booms on the Macao economy
Ke, Jing Ying 廖振華 2007. Master
Discourse of voice-over narration in movie trailers : discovering its general patterns, discursive features and historical changes
Lin, Lin Moody, Andrew Jackson 2012. Master
Deconstruction of the Disney Princess Empire
Cheang, I Ian Liu Shih Diing 2006. Master
Difference in socioeconomic status and marital satisfaction between husbands and wives : a meta-analysis
Li, Xiao Zhuang Li, De 2022. Master
Developing and validating the expanded format of the general self-efficacy scale
Xie, Jia Qi Kam, Chun Seng 2024. Master
Dispute settlement of investment protection under TPP framework check Full Text
Xie, Han Rui 汪超 2017. Master
Da uniao de facto : relevancia juridica para a responsabilidade por dividas
Tam, Hio Kuan Trigo, Manuel Marcelino Escovar 2016. Master
Da oponibilidade do registo a terceiros adquirentes : coordenacao entre os direitos reais e o registo predial check Full Text
Lao, Chi Ieng Correia, Paula Nunes 2016. Master
Determination of place of arbitration in online arbitration
Wang, Jia Ye Mo Shijian 2016. Master
Do contrato de mediacao imobiliaria check Full Text
Xu, Huan Monteiro, Antonio Pinto 2016. Master
Total Results: 431

Showing 1 to 10 of 431 results