
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Training by objectives in a disciplined service (police)
Lee, Kwan Tat Yee, Herbert S. 1988. Master
The impact of takeover announcements on target stock returns and market efficiency : the Hong Kong experience
Ho, Keang Hong 1994. Master
The upsurge of private entrepreneurship in China : the case of Tian He high-and-new technology industrial development zone in Guangzhou
Trigo, Virginia M. Jesuino, Jorge Correia 1994. Master
The formal development of a railway station route management system
Dong, Yu Lin Bjorner, Dines 1995. Master
The revolution of township and village enterprise in China : it's organizational structure and management style
Chan, Chi Kwan 1995. Master
The use of different type of pipe materials as water service in Macau's market
Sam, Son Kuong Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1995. Master
The recent price behavior of the Hong Kong stock market, 1990-1993
So, Man Shing Trigueiros, Duarte Manuel Forjaz Pacheco 1995. Master
The potential impact of the Macau International Airport on Macau's tourism activity in the context of regional development in South China
Costa, Lucia de Fatima Araujo Rosa da 1995. Master
The schools of thought in strategic management : a comparative analysis
Rosa, Alvaro Augusto Da Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1995. Master
Time management
Jesus, Tomas Lemos de Weinrich, John E. 1996. Master
Total Results: 1104

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