
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
MFLL 000Luso-Asian Studies (SAMPLE) O tribunal privativo dos Chinas de Macau
Mascarenhas, Joao Mario Eusebio Matos, Teodoro de 1990 Master
MAS(LIT) 000 (SAMPLE) Des, encontros entre o Oriente e o Ocidente : algumas achegas para o estudo dos movimentos simbolistas portugues e chines
Morais, Isabel Maria da Costa 1994. Master
Macau na segunda metade do seculo XVIII
Vale, Antonio Manual Martins do Matos, Artur Teodoro de 1994. Master
Macau oitocentista e o impacto da fundacao de Hong Kong
Pinto, Carlos Lipari Garcia Matos, Artur Teodoro de 1994. Master
Management practices in garment SMEs in Macau
Ozorio, Bernadete Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1994. Master
Marketing in a small place : the case of the tertiary sector of Macau
Mac, Vai Iun 1994. Master
Municipal solid waste management industry and the role of waste-to-energy facilities in the private sector
Carvalho, Nuno Kol 1995. Master
Macau 1960s-1990s technology upgrading in a toy manufacturer : a dynamic and interactive system of strategic management
Basto, Jorge R.S. 1995. Master
Macau banking industry : present structure and strategies for future development
Chan, Iat Meng Weinrich, John E. 1995. Master
Motor-trade industry in Macau
Fung, Ping Kuen Weinrich, John E. 1995. Master
Total Results: 352

Showing 1 to 10 of 352 results