
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Investigating adaptive translation from a functional perspective : a case study of commercial advertisement translation
Song, Xiao Dong 張美芳 2007. Master
International trade and R&D spillovers : the case of China
Wang, Jing Jing Chen, Yu 2007. Master
Import price uncertainly, production decisions and relative factor shares in Korea
Li, Da Wong, Ka Kei 2007. Master
International law on water transfers
Espada, Gildo Manuel Castro, Paulo Canelas de 2007. Master
Image-based modeling and physically-based design in virtual environment
Bin, Sheng Wu, Enhua 2007. Master
Image segmentation and reconstruction based on graph cuts and texton mask
Wu, Qing Hua Wu, Enhua 2007. Master
Inventory positionin in a service network
Meng, Chen Liu, Xiao Ming 2007. Master
Internet use pattern and the production of social capital : the case of students in University of Macau
Chen, Xiao Fan Chen, Huai Lin 2008. Master
Instant messaging use among university students
Seng, I No 張榮顯 2008. Master
Influence of media female image on the perception of college students in Macao
Vong, Diana Chen, Huai Lin 2008. Master
Total Results: 456

Showing 31 to 40 of 456 results