
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Individual modernity and value system among upper form students in Macau
Ng, Y. W. Wun, K.W. 1987. Master
Insight into method : a cognitive-notional method for the implementation of a semiotic approach in language pedagogy
Brown, Denise 1987. Master
Indon-Malaysia relations : a case study of regional conflict and resolution
Kam, Shing Pak 1989. Master
Institutional analysis of the formation of abnormal loans in loan portfolios of China's state banks
Song, Gui Chang Scott, Robert Haney 1996. Master
Instituting strategic management : a case study of Langzhou Chai Thai Feed Co.
Li, Shi Dong Terpstra, Robert Harold 1997. Master
International issues in taxation : Macau perspective
Lao, Chi Chi Trigueiros, Duarte Manuel Forjaz Pacheco 1997. Master
Inter-turn faults of three-phase induction machines
Cheang, Tak Son Zhang, Lin Zheng 1997. Master
Impulse sampled switched-capacitor sampling rate converters
U, Seng-Pan Martins, Rui Paulo 1997. Master
Interrogativas em portugues e em chines : descricao, confronto e aplicacao didactiva
Pissarra, Raul Andrade, 1998. Master
Intelligent power factor controller with new measuring method and fuzzy logic control
Tam, Kin Seng Chen, Wei Ji 1998. Master
Total Results: 460

Showing 1 to 10 of 460 results