
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Contemporary sociology of knowledge and social research
Liew, Yoo Kiang 1990. Master
Consumer values and market segmentation in China : an exploratory study
Dioko, Leonardo Anthony Najarro 1995. Master
Comparative management : discussion and an empirical study
Vong, Chuk Kwan 1995. Master
Customer patronage behavior at Yaohan Department Store of Macau : an exploratory study
Ng, Sio Wang Nasol, Ramon Lino 1996. Master
China's reform in foreign trade : towards modern enterprise system
Ji, Qiu Ying 1996. Master
Charting a course for the year 2000 and the century of quality, an empirical study of human resources development in the Macau services sector
Rahmani, Adnan C. 1997. Master
Compression, indexing and searching of a large structured-text database in a library monitoring and control system (LiMaCS)
Tam, Wai I 1998. Master
Customers values and attitudes of teenagers in relation to dieting
Ung, Rowena A. Nasol, Ramon Lino 1998. Master
Career opportunities for business administration student : the case of Macau
Ieong, Ut Fong Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1998. Master
Characteristics of Japanese and Taiwanese visitors to Macau
Zhang, Jian Zhong Nasol, Ramon Lino 1998. Master
Total Results: 542

Showing 1 to 10 of 542 results