
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Banking on the internet : impact on customers and management
Lei, Sao Lai 2001. Master
Bilingual education for secondary schools in Macao
Lai, Kin Peng Xu, Feng Ying 2002. Master
Backward stochastic differential equations and option pricing
Leng, Weng San Ding, Deng 2003. Master
Barriers to business-to-business electronic commerce adoption in small and medium-sized enterprises in China
Chiang, Ka U Wan, Guohua 2003. Master
Boundary value method with skew-circulant preconditioner for ODEs
Yeung, Choi In 2004. Master
Bio-remediation of BTEX-contaminated water with enhanced removal efficiency
Choi, Seng Fai, Shim, Hojae 2006. Master
Building an e-government acceptance model, based on TAM, incorporating trust in e-commerce
Lei, U Ian Lee, Chang Boon 2007. Master
Bioremediation of water contaminated with BTEX, TPH, and TCE
Ma, Wei Shim, Hojae 2008. Master
Business information extraction from web
林敏兒 Gong, Zhi Guo 2008. Master
Bridging synchronous and asynchronous systems : Wiki-IM integration
Lei, Keng Hong Biuk-Aghai, Robert P. 2009. Master
Total Results: 114

Showing 1 to 10 of 114 results