
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Macau e a China no Brasil de D. João VI (1808-1821) = Macao and China in D. João VI's Brazil (1808-1821)
Andrade, Noélia Maria da Silva Alves, Jorge Manuel dos Santos 2010. Master
Macau na Mira de Lisboa, no primeiro governo de Lemos e Faria (1783-1788)
Ng Correia, Sara Alves, Jorge Manuel dos Santos 2010. Master
Management practices in garment SMEs in Macau
Ozorio, Bernadete Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1994. Master
MBA in Macau and Hong Kong
Santos, Joao Francisco Serrao Correia Dos Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1998. Master
Machines in Faulkner's Mississippi garden
Tam, Pou U Appler, Gilbert Keith 2009. Master
Mortality as a theme in Anna Sexton's confessional poetry check Full Text
Dong, Fu Yi Appler, Gilbert Keith 2019. Master
Map-like Wikipedia visualization
Pang, Cheong Iao Biuk-Aghai, Robert P. 2011. Master
Martino Martini's Novus Atlas Sinensis and its Chinese source materials : a comparison of the list of China's main administrative divisions check Full Text
Li, Rui Cams, Mario 2018. Master
Migration and the formation of the Hakka people in Tingzhou = 汀州客家人的遷徙與形成 check Full Text
Zhang, Gui Ning Cams, Mario 2018. Master
Ming China's coastal defense and its social impact : the case of sixteenth-century Wenzhou check Full Text
Huang, Qiu Ru Cams, Mario 2020. Master
Total Results: 350

Showing 1 to 10 of 350 results