
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Nonlinear control and trajectory generation for a quadrotor with a cable suspended load check Full Text
Yu, Gan Silvestre, Carlos Jorge Ferreira 2022. Doctoral
Nonlinear control of an underactuated autonomous surface vehicle check Full Text
Yu, Zhen Ning Silvestre, Carlos Jorge Ferreira 2015. Master
Nonlinear disturbance observer based sliding mode control for robot manipulators and micropositioners towards safety monitoring check Full Text
Xi, Rui Dong Yang, Zhi Xin 2023. Doctoral
Nonlinear estimation techniques for underwater navigation and tracking check Full Text
Oliveira Reis, Joel Silvestre, Carlos Jorge Ferreira 2019. Doctoral
Nonlinear static and forced vibration analysis of functionally graded square plates under some boundary conditions check Full Text
Lai, Xian Gang Er, Guo Kang 2014. Master
Nonlinear time series analysis of Chinese stock markets : Shanghai stock exchanges & Shenzhen stock exchanges
Chu, Kuok Kun 2000. Master
Nonlinear vibration analysis of functionally graded material rectangular plates under some given boundary conditions check Full Text
Han, Yong Yue Er, Guo Kang 2016. Master
Nonlinear vibrations and random vibrations of offshore floating structures moored by cables check Full Text
Wang, Kun Er, Guo Kang 2018. Doctoral
Nonlinear vibrations of axially-loaded anti-symmetric cross-ply cylindrical shells
Gao, Yong Iu, Vai Pan 1999. Master
Norm inequalities for a matrix product analogous to the commutator
Lok, Io Kei Cheng, Che Man 2010. Master
Total Results: 147

Showing 81 to 90 of 147 results