
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
MSS(C) 000 (SAMPLE) Collective efficacy and perceptions of public safety : a cross-sectional study based on the 2016 survey of the China family panel studies
Wu, Rui Zhao, Rao Hui 2019. Master
MSS(CS) 000 (SAMPLE) 台資在中國大陸勞資關係分析
張長美 蕭揚輝 2005. Master
MST(C) 000 (SAMPLE) Behavior prediction of SLT using SPT-N values based on general regression neural network and multivariate statistical analysis
Ao Ieong, Hou Cheong Lok, Man Hoi 2019. Master
MST(CMS) 000 (SAMPLE) Hepatoprotective effect of jianpi huoxue formula on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease induced by methionine-choline-deficient diet in rat
Feng, Yu Lee, Ming-Yuen 2018. Master
MST(CS) 000 (SAMPLE) Peak-sensitive method for time-delay and peak/valley problems in time series forecasting
Ge, Xiao Wei Vong, Chi Man 2017. Master
MST(E) 000 (SAMPLE) Process compensated CMOS temperature sensor exploiting piecewise base recombination current
Sun, Da Peng Law, Man Kay 2018. Master
MST(EC) 000 (SAMPLE) Random distribution bounded chaotic PSO algorithm for solving job scheduling optimization problems
Wang, Xi Fong, Chi Chiu 2017. Master
MST(EM) 000 (SAMPLE) Kinematics analysis and gait planning for a humanoid robot
Li, Xiao Wong, Seng Fat 2017. Master
MST(M) 000 (SAMPLE) Lasso and estimation consistency of Tweedie's compound Poisson model with elastic net
Yao, Qiu Ran Xu, Li Hu 2019. Master
MST(MA) 000 (SAMPLE) 基於產品生命週期的藥物銷售額回顧性分析
朱劍凡 王一濤 2018. Master
Total Results: 356

Showing 301 to 310 of 356 results