
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Motivation, professional pursuit, and career satisfaction in the age of media convergence : a survey of newspaper practitioners in China check Full Text
Li, Guan Lin Li, Xiao Qin 2017. Master
Motivational strategies for public employees of the transport bureau of Macau check Full Text
Lei, Tak Lam Cuervo, Javier Calero 2016. Master
Motor-trade industry in Macau
Fung, Ping Kuen Weinrich, John E. 1995. Master
Movie recommendations by combining collaborative filtering and content-based techniques check Full Text
Tao, Yi Yi Gong, Zhi Guo 2019. Master
Moving and crossing : smuggling networks in Canton, Hong Kong and Macao (1945-1949) check Full Text
Liang, Jun Yu Ma, Tsang Wing 2022. Master
Moving object detection based on passive radar for smart city check Full Text
Chen, Xin Tam, Kam Weng 2017. Master
Moving through the gate of Venus : the history of Cumsingmoon and the coolie trade, 1849-54
Stasko, Thomas McTernan Sanchez, Oscar 2013. Master
MSS(C) 000 (SAMPLE) Collective efficacy and perceptions of public safety : a cross-sectional study based on the 2016 survey of the China family panel studies
Wu, Rui Zhao, Rao Hui 2019. Master
MSS(CS) 000 (SAMPLE) 台資在中國大陸勞資關係分析
張長美 蕭揚輝 2005. Master
MST(C) 000 (SAMPLE) Behavior prediction of SLT using SPT-N values based on general regression neural network and multivariate statistical analysis
Ao Ieong, Hou Cheong Lok, Man Hoi 2019. Master
Total Results: 353

Showing 291 to 300 of 353 results