
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Modelling urban floods under the combined effects of rainfall and storm surge on Macau Peninsula check Full Text
Hoi, Lok Kei Gao, Liang 2023. Master
Modelos de integracao e desenvolvimento politico-economico durante o ciclo de hegemonia Americano : o caso do territorio de Macau na evolucao das relacoes internacionais no espaco Asia-Pacifico
Celeiro, Rogerio Paulo Caiodo Raimundo Maltez, Jose Adelino 1996. Master
Models of communication & China's public diplomacy : performance, problems, and prospects check Full Text
Leong, I Mei Song Weiqing 2012. Master
Modern artificial neural networks and their applications check Full Text
Lin, Xin Jian Ding, Deng 2019. Master
Modernism and postmodernism in Jeanette Winterson's Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit and its television adaptation
Chan, Lai In Timmermans, Glenn Henry 2016. Master
Modernizing the laws for the collateralization of intellectual property : China in a world perspective
Lin, Min Neuwirth Rostam J. 2011. Master
Modernizing the next generation : a study of images of children from The Liangyou Magazine check Full Text
Hao, Bo Yang 王笛 2020. Master
Modes of narrative in Adam Johnson's Fortune Smiles check Full Text
Han, Pei Qi, Peggy Timmermans, Glenn Henry 2018. Master
Modification of the hiley formula by considering pile length
Ao, Peng Kong Subrahmanyam, M. S. 2007. Doctoral
Modified data-driven power flow model in smart grid : a regression approach based on incomplete bus data check Full Text
Xing, Zheng Lao, Keng Weng 2022. Master
Total Results: 353

Showing 251 to 260 of 353 results