
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
The use of different type of pipe materials as water service in Macau's market
Sam, Son Kuong Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1995. Master
The schools of thought in strategic management : a comparative analysis
Rosa, Alvaro Augusto Da Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1995. Master
The formal development of a railway station route management system
Dong, Yu Lin Bjorner, Dines 1995. Master
D. Joaquim de Sousa Saraiva : do declinio da diocese de Pequim a contribuicao para a historiografia Macaense = 索神父
Sousa, Acacio Fernando de, Matos, Artur Teodoro de 1995. Master
An analysis of health services in Macau : resources used, cost and financing : from the perspective of health economics
Lai, Sio Kuan Nicolau, Isabel 1995. Master
The recent price behavior of the Hong Kong stock market, 1990-1993
So, Man Shing Trigueiros, Duarte Manuel Forjaz Pacheco 1995. Master
Macau banking industry : present structure and strategies for future development
Chan, Iat Meng Weinrich, John E. 1995. Master
Motor-trade industry in Macau
Fung, Ping Kuen Weinrich, John E. 1995. Master
Service quality in CEM customers' expectations and perceptions about electricity distribution services
Nascimento, Antonio Francisco Rita 1995. Master
The revolution of township and village enterprise in China : it's organizational structure and management style
Chan, Chi Kwan 1995. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 18 results