
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
王安憶與張愛玲的小說藝術比較研究 = A comparative study on the novelistic aethetics of Wang Anyi and Eileen Chang
別業青 龔剛 2010. Master
跨文化背景下的衝突與融合 : 福克納對當代中國作家影響的倫理敍事研究
胡雅坤 龔剛 2010. Master
論二十世紀九十年代女性"私人化"寫作 = The privatization of female 'personal' writings in the 1990s
張曈 龔剛 2007. Master
論"美麗街"與澳門文化氣質 : 澳門副刊文學研究 = A discussion of "Macao Daily.The Beautiful Street" and the Macao culture quality : Macao supplement literature studies
Lyu, Pin 龔剛 2007. Master
論文學表達的新空間 : 博客寫作的文學與文化研究 = The new space of literature expression : literature and culture research of blog
徐婷婷 龔剛 2007. Master
蘇青小說的倫理敘事研究 = The study of moral (ethical) narration in Sui Qing's novels
盧添好 龔剛 2009. Master
論道家精神在余華小說中的顯現 : 以"活著"為個案 = Taoism and contemporary Chinese author Yu Hua's fictions : based on the case of "To live"
李昂 龔剛 2009. Master
性愛書寫的隱喻 : "黃金時代" 與 "生活在別處" 的比較研究 = Metaphor of writing of bodily love : comparative analysis on "The Golden Age" and "Life is Elsewhere"
黃靜欣 龔剛 2014. Master
論網絡寫作複製性的合法性 = Study on the rationality of the replicability of network literature
馬蓓欣 龔剛 2014. Master
何處是歸宿 : 論三毛的死亡美學 = What is the destination? : a study on the death aesthetics of Chinese essayist San Mao check Full Text
趙雅歡 龔剛 2018. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 477 results