
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


論"美麗街"與澳門文化氣質 : 澳門副刊文學研究 = A discussion of "Macao Daily.The Beautiful Street" and the Macao culture quality : Macao supplement literature studies

English Abstract

Basing on the research of Macao's cultural quality and analysis of the text named which is one of the columns ofsupplement, this paper illustrates the relationship between which has the "leisure and self” expression and Macao's cultural quality which has calm style.provides a new model to the public space in Macao by using its own unique way, and also identifies itself with Macao at the same time. The whole text is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, I mainly do the research of the two factors that constitute Macao's cultural quality, which are the traditional Chinese Confucian culture and the characteristics of Portuguese colonial rule. In the second chapter, I will describe that there is some epoch-phase like in the expression of literature spirit between and essay in mainland China in 1930 through its detailed classification and interpretation. In the third chapter, I will explore as the public-face creativity has highlighted the ideology in the popular culture undertone. In the last chapter, I will discussin its unique style has provided a new possibility to the public space of Macao and expressed its cultural identity with the citu. Keyword: Macao Culture Quality Essay Public space

Chinese Abstract

本論文在考察澳門城市文化氣質和對《澳門日報》副刊專欄《美麗街》文本分析的基礎上,來說明《美麗街》作為女性專欄所具有的“閒適、自我”的表演風格與澳門散淡,平和的城市氣質之間的對應關係。該專欄以其獨特的話語言說方式為澳門公共空間的開創提供了一種新的模式,同時在這個過程中也凸顯了該專欄對澳門文化氣質的認同。 全文共分為四章。第一章從構成澳門文化的兩大因素入手,即中國傳統儒家文化和葡萄牙殖民管治特點兩方面分析其陰性城市氣質形成的文化機理;第二章從《美麗街》的文學文本進行分析,通過對其文本進行細致的分類和解讀,進而闡述《美麗街》與中國三十年代盛行的小品文在文學精神上的表達上有著某種跨時代的相似性;第三章主要通過大眾文化的解讀,探討《美麗街》作為面對公眾的創作方式,在大眾文化底色下對市民意識形態的彰顯;第四章主要論述《美麗街》以其俗常、自主的言說方式為澳門公共空間的開創提供了一種新的可能性,並在彰顯澳門文化氣質的同時也表達了對該文化的認同。 關鍵詞:《美麗街》 澳門城市氣質 小品文 公共空間

Issue date



Lyu, Pin

Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)



Chinese literature -- Macau -- History and criticism

中國文學 -- 澳門 -- 歷史及評論

Macau -- Civilization

澳門 -- 文化



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