UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
論二十世紀九十年代女性"私人化"寫作 = The privatization of female 'personal' writings in the 1990s
- English Abstract
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20th century's female writers personalized their writings by privatizing their personal erotic feelings and experiences through the construction of self-narrative in a biographical or semi-biographical style. These self-narratives sought to truly depict their experiences and perspectives from their own individualized identities. Situated in the urban setting, these narratives unfolded and revealed the material and erotic desires of these female writers explicitly and broke away from the traditional conception of female desires as being suppressed or hidden. In doing so, these female writers emphasized their individualized identities, self-consciousness, and desires. The self-identity of women shifted from the mere sexual and biological nature to an identity that self-consciously defined itself within a culturally situated milieu. This thesis described, analyzed, and explicated the inner world of women, their self-consciousness, and the individuation of their self-identities in their writings. In privatizing their personal lives and desires through their writings. these female writers sought to scrutinize and transcend the limits imposed by their inner world of anxieties. In attempting to come to term with their inner world, their writings also identified and acknowledged the inner state of their own being. However, the writings or these female writers in the 1990s were also being driven and ‘corrupted’ by market forces. Such literary works and standards were being compromised as they were oriented towards a commercial environment and the demand of the market for mass consumption. As a result, such writings were not merely serving the purpose of women themselves coming to term with their lives or manifesting their own identities, or self-appraising their own existence, or as a means of self-construction. In the process of boosting the production and sale of these female ‘personal’ writings, literature itself became commoditized.
- Chinese Abstract
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二十世紀九十年代浮出歷史地貌的女性“私人化”寫作,以自傳或半自傳式的話語空間淋漓盡致地剖白女性個體獨特的性別經驗與性別體認方式,燭照了女性記憶與經驗以往的不見與未見。都市女性在悠然而瑣碎的細語中拼綴、復原著一個充斥著感官盛宴的日常生活世界,不僅對傳統的女性形象和生存境遇具有強烈的顛覆意味,而且在“女性”與“個體”符碼的絲絲相扣中,也銘刻著她們感知自我生命獨特價値蘊藉的精神軌跡。可以說,這意味著女性自我的認同己經由性别的發現和認知逐漸走向對個人/自我身份的文化建構。 沉澱在個人生活内裏最細腻的感性體驗構成了“私人化”寫作的主要基調,它以一種赤裸、鋒利的姿態指向女性自我繁富的心鏡像。在“私人化”寫作的感性敘事盡頭或隱或顯地凝結著女性作家的主體意象、自我意識及自我內審情結。她們透過書寫實現對自我焦虑的審視和逾越,這也是她們在“認同”之路上不可或缺的内在驅動力。 然而,九十年代的文學藝術在不斷遭遇市場化、商業化浪潮的迅猛衝撞下它的生存形態、價値標準,以及消費方式進而宿命般地沾染上一股“商業炒作”的喧嘩氣息。在這個意義上,流淌在九十年代女性作者筆觸裏的都市生存體驗並不單純地指向女性對“性別”與“自我”這一雙重體認模式,“私人化”寫作出版物由生產到消費的全過程也是對文學商業運作的一次淋漓盡致的演繹。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)
- Degree
- Subject
Chinese literature -- Women authors -- History and criticism
中國文學 -- 女作家 -- 歷史及評論
Chinese literature -- 20th century -- History and criticism
中國文學 -- 20 世紀 -- 歷史及評論
Women authors, Chinese -- 20th century
中國女作家 -- 20 世紀
Feminist literary criticism
Feminism and literature
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000172989706306