
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
百度指數與內地赴澳門旅遊人數的關係及預測 : 基於VAR模型的實證研究 = The relationship between Baidu index and tourists from Mainland China to Macao and its prediction : An empirical research based on the VAR model
宋小裕 邢榮發 2023. Master
百年浮沉 : 法國耶穌會傳教團在華活動研究 (1685-1785) check Full Text
謝江紅 湯開建 2018. Doctoral
擺渡的意識 : 文學改編的另一種解讀 : 從 "敘事倫理" 角度論小說 "白鹿原" 改編 = Consciousness of ferrying : another interpretation of literary adaptation : an analysis of the adaptation on the Novel Bailuyuan from the perspective of narrative ethics check Full Text
馬若楠 朱壽桐 2018. Master
班固與劉勰 "離騷" 評論堪論初探 = A primary study of the criticism on Lisao by Bangu and Liuxie check Full Text
王雪婷 鄧國光 2019. Master
班級經營對澳門三位小學班主任之挑戰 check Full Text
李慧敏 周憶粟 2021. Master
半公罪制度下的被害人保障研究 = Research on the protection of victims under the half-public crime system check Full Text
梁子健 李哲 2021. Master
保理合同與相鄰概念比較研究 = A comparative research on factoring contract and neighboring concepts check Full Text
楊卓然 稅兵 2020. Master
保障性住房體系下經濟適用房政策的問題研究 : 以上海市經濟適用房政策為例 check Full Text
何娉 劉伯龍 2013. Master
暴露思維過程 : 尋找幾何教學策略的行動研究 check Full Text
施守紀 孫旭花 2014. Master
北京話, 餘杭話和廣州話指示詞的對比研究 = A comparative study of demonstratives in Beijing dialect, Yuhang dialect and Guangzhou dialect check Full Text
戴樹成 徐杰 2021. Master

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