
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
我國醫藥產業質量管理研究 check Full Text
涂奇軍 卞鷹 2010. Master
我國知識產權融資的法律問題研究 check Full Text
孫安娜 王懷宇 2012. Master
何歡 王懷宇 2011. Master
我國ODR法律問題研究 : 以B2C電子商務糾紛解決為視角 = Research on the legal issues of ODR in China : the perspective of B2C electronic commerce dispute resolution check Full Text
錢雪瑩 Wang, Wei 2016. Master
我們有服從法律的道德義務嗎? = Is there a moral obligation to obey the law? check Full Text
王靖宜 駱偉建 2016. Master
污染環境犯罪若干問題研究 = A study on several problems of environmental pollution crimes check Full Text
強丹 趙國強 2019. Master
吳炳戲曲創作中情理觀研究 = Study on "the relationship between sensibility and moral" in Wu Bing's opera check Full Text
肖明玉 譚美玲 2017. Master
無權佔有人費用求償權的教義學解構 = Doctrinal deconstruction of the right to claim for expenses of the unauthorized possessor check Full Text
李東宇 稅兵 2020. Master
武漢方言中末助詞 "在" 的語義句法分析 = The semantic and syntactic properties of sentence final particle "Zai" in Wuhan dialect check Full Text
唐彩熒 劉鴻勇 2021. Master
武術教學與體育目標切合程度之研究 check Full Text
董曉曦 何敬恩 2012. Master

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