
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Investigating the realization of interpersonal function in English writing : a case study of a Macao Chinese secondary school students' writing
Pang, Ka Man 張美芳 2008. Master
China under western eyes : Alice Mildred Cable' s depiction of China and her peoples in The Gobi Desert
Lam, Pui Keng 2008. Master
Composition effects on rising residual wage inequality
Ma, Mu Toche, Patrick 2008. Master
Macao poetry today : a study of contemporary writing across cultures
Vong, Lai Ieng Kelen Christopher 2008. Master
Agricultural productivity growth in chinese economy : a provincial panel data analysis after 1980
Zhuo, Shuai He 關峰 2008. Master
Relationship management and job satisfaction : how to prolong employee relationships in organizations in Macau
Iong, Luisa Chen, Yi Ru 2008. Master
In search of a medium of instruction : Macao secondary students' attitudes towards three English varieties
Shen, Cheng Ling Moody, Andrew Jackson 2008. Master
The development of ESP teaching materials for secondary students studying fashion design in Macao
Lam, Ian Ian Wilhelm, Kim Hughes 2008. Master
Communicating over cultural default through translation
Shen, Pei Pei 張美芳 2008. Master
Tourism English in Macao, a case study
Iun, Ka Man Kuong, Io Kei 2008. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 237 results