
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Do crime de branqueamento de capitais : introducao e tipicidade
Godinho, Jorge A. F. Andrade, Manuel da Costa 1999. Master
An attempt at TQM ( a motivation case study)
Guimaraes, Miguel Dantas Terra Machado Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1999. Master
Service quality and its implications to management : a case of Luso International Banking Ltd.
Lam, Kit Peng Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1999. Master
The strategy for foreign venture capital firms in China
Yuan, Hua Gang Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1999. Master
Consumer behavior of life insurance : the case of Shanghai
Wang, Jane Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1999. Master
The reform of state-owned enterprises in China
Feng, Jia Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1999. Master
Information technology in education computer-based training courseware design & development
Lai, Kam Wing Babka, Otakar 1999. Master
Artificial neural network short-term electrical load forecasting techniques
Xu, Le Yan Chen, Wei Ji 1999. Master
Control of double link inverted pendulum with nonlinear friction
Fang, Lei Chen, Wei Ji 1999. Master
Pluggable repository for Internet-based software engineering environment
Tou, Chi Pio Guo, Zhen Sheng 1999. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 42 results