
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Detecting ECG late potentials using wavelet transform
Vai, Mang I Zhou, Li Gao 2002. Doctoral
Tecnicas de interpolacao em filtros multiritmo com condensadores comutados para Interfaces Analogicas com filtragem de alta-frequencia = Multirate Switched-Capacitor interpolation techniques for very high-frequency Analog Front-End filtering
U, Seng-Pan Martins, Rui Paulo 2002. Doctoral
U, Seng-Pan Martins, Rui Paulo 2002. Doctoral
Multistandard-compliant and low-voltage analog-baseband techniques for wireless communication systems
Mak, Pui-In Martins, Rui Paulo 2006. Doctoral
A generalized 3D pulse width modulator for multi-level voltage source inverters in three-phase four-wire power systems check Full Text
Dai, Ning Yi 韓英鐸 2007. Doctoral
Generalized low-voltage circuit design techniques for very high-speed time-interleaved pipelined ADC
Sin, Sai-Weng Martins, Rui Paulo 2008. Doctoral
Multiple-bandgap defected ground structure and its applications to highly selective microwave bandpass filters
Ting, Sio Weng Tam, Kam Weng 2008. Doctoral
Wavelet neural networks : the fusion of HC and SC for computerized physiological signal interpretation
Li, Bing Nan Dong, Ming Chui 2009. Doctoral
Math-model based machinery and AI-based diagnostic technologies for detecting and locating the inner-faults of three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors check Full Text
Cheang, Tak Son Dong, Ming Chui 2010. Doctoral
Electromagnetic sub-MHz modeling of multilayer human limb for the Galvanic Coupling type Intra-Body Communication check Full Text
Pun, Sio Hang Vai, Mang I 2011. Doctoral

Showing 1 to 10 of 150 results