
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
"D_PID" method for on-demand air conditioning system control in meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibition (M.I.C.E.) building
Lei, Tong Weng Vai, Mang I 2009. Master
Automatic music transcription system for erhu music = 基於二胡音樂的自動轉譯系統
Xu, Huan Vai, Mang I 2008. Master
ECG parameter extractor of intelligent home healthcare embedded system
Chan, Weng Chi Vai, Mang I 2005. Master
A front-end platform for the network-based intelligent home healthcare embedded system
Tang, Shuo Vai, Mang I 2005. Master
The embedded-link self-adaptive numerical intelligent medical advisory agents for distributed intelligent medical advisory system in home healthcare based on sphygmogram
Li, Bing Nan Vai, Mang I 2004. Master
Design of FPGA-based and ASIC deep neural network digital accelerator check Full Text
Chen, Jia Bao Un, Ka Fai 2022. Master
Design of CMOS low power voice activity detector check Full Text
Lin, Jin Hai Un, Ka Fai 2023. Master
Monotonic multi-switching method for ultra-low-voltage energy efficient SAR ADCs check Full Text
Wu, Wen Lan U, Seng-Pan 2013. Master
Semi-MASH sigma-delta A-to-D converter for high-speed high-resolution applications check Full Text
Lao, Chon In U, Seng-Pan 2014. Master
Applying the novel high speed robust level converter to a 12-bit successive approximation analog-to-digital converters with dual supply domain check Full Text
Lei, Cheok Teng U, Seng-Pan 2013. Master

Showing 81 to 90 of 290 results