
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author arrow_drop_up Supervisor Issue Date Degree
MST(C) 000 (SAMPLE) Behavior prediction of SLT using SPT-N values based on general regression neural network and multivariate statistical analysis
Ao Ieong, Hou Cheong Lok, Man Hoi 2019. Master
Behavior prediction of SLT using SPT-N values based on general regression neural network and multivariate statistical analysis check Full Text
Ao Ieong, Hou Cheong Lok, Man Hoi 2019. Master
Pile Dynamics and its applications in Macau
Ao, Peng Kong Subrahmanyam, M. S. 1997. Master
Failure mechanism of slopes reinforced with soil nails by three-dimensional finite element analysis check Full Text
Ao, Tong Man Zhou, Wan Huan 2015. Master
Analytical solutions for residual stresses in cold-formed steel circular hollow sections due to cold rolling
Cai, Chao Quach, Wai Meng 2009. Master
Real-time qPCR and metagenomics for studying filamentous bulking in full-scale and lab-scale activated sludge treatment systems check Full Text
Cao, Cong Yuan Lou, In Chio 2015. Master
Shear correction factor for FGM plate based on thickness shear vibration
Cao, Hang Yu Iu, Vai Pan 2012. Master
Three-dimensional finite element analyses of semi-elliptical surface cracks in finite functionally graded material plates subjected to triangular surface load check Full Text
Cao, Jin Long Kou, Kun Pang 2017. Master
Potential Reuse of wastewater effluent in Macau
Chan, Kwok Ho Shim, Hojae 2009. Master
Dynamic simulation of construction waste in Macao
Chan, Wai Kin 王志石 2008. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 239 results