
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Systematic analysis and design of micropower two-stage CMOS amplifiers with area-efficient frequency compensation techniques check Full Text
Wang, Wei, Mak, Pui-In 2014. Master
Systems organised as networks : representation and problem solving with evolutionary computation
Lei, Chu San Miranda, Vladimiro 1997. Master
The embedded-link self-adaptive numerical intelligent medical advisory agents for distributed intelligent medical advisory system in home healthcare based on sphygmogram
Li, Bing Nan Vai, Mang I 2004. Master
The hybrid real-time simulation system based on the electromechanical transient process simulation of power systems
Zhai, Pei, 韓英鐸 2007. Master
The microstrip parallel coupled-line bandpass filter with simultaneous dual-band response and bandwidth enhancement
Hong, Sio Ian Tam, Kam Weng 2009. Master
Topology and driver design techniques for GaN-based 48V power conversion check Full Text
Zhao, Rui Jie Jiang, Yang 2022. Master
Tourist platform based on GSM location system
Han, Bao Min Chen, Wei Ji 2006. Master
Towards improving performance of galvanic coupling intra-body communication = 電流耦合型人體通信的性能優化
Wang, Meng Pun, Sio Hang 2015. Master
Transfer learning and online learning in brain-computer interfaces check Full Text
Lao, Ka Fai Wan, Feng 2018. Master
Transient and small signal analysis of PWM converters using average switch model
Chan, Weng Wa To, Ching-Nai 1999. Master

Showing 271 to 280 of 290 results