
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
澳門電信業法律制度研究 = Research on the legal system of the telecommunication industry in Macao check Full Text
劉雪瑩 范劍虹 2018. Master
邱庭彪, 趙國強 2003. Master
澳門法定繼承順位制度研究 = A study on the sequence of legal heirs in Macao check Full Text
張曉敏 唐曉晴 2015. Master
澳門法律翻譯的經驗與實踐 check Full Text
陳艷芳 蘇建峰 2016. Master
澳門法上的動物法律地位研究 : 以葡萄牙立法經驗為視角 = Research on the legal status of animals in Macau law : from the perspective of Portuguese legislative experience check Full Text
鄧啓聰 吳奇琦 2023. Master
澳門法院違基本法審查權中的幾個基本問題研究 = Research on the several basic questions on Macau courts' power of legislative review according to the Basic Law check Full Text
陳睿 駱偉建 2017. Master
澳門非法錄影及拍照犯罪及相關問題研究 : Study of crimes of illicit recording and photography in Macau and the issues problems check Full Text
黃瀚賢 鄭成昌 2019. Master
澳門公共服務特許法律問題研究 = Study of legal issues about Macau public service franchise
范高燕 蔣朝陽 2015. Master
澳門供未來備忘用之聲明制度的研究 = Research on Macao's declaration system for future memorandum check Full Text
吳梓軒 李哲 2021. Master
澳門回歸後行政法規與法律發生衝突時的解決方法 : 以第 13/2009 號法律 "關於訂定內部規範的法律制度" 的生效為分界作比較及討論 = Solutions to conflict between administrative regulations and laws after Macao handover to China : comparison and discussion of Law No. 13/2009 before and after its coming into effect check Full Text
鄭碧琦 汪超 2017. Master

Showing 21 to 30 of 954 results