
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
澳門十五歲學生閱讀素養的性別差異解釋 : 閱讀參與的中介效應 check Full Text
麥瑞琪 張國祥 2013. Doctoral
初任物理教師如何開展實驗教學 : 基於身份理論的研究 check Full Text
陳楠 魏冰 2018. Doctoral
大學生代間的生涯抉擇衝突研究 check Full Text
胡娟 金樹人 2018. Doctoral
古鼎作香爐: 宋元時期燒香器皿的轉型
范楨 張澤珣 2023. Doctoral
教師對化學課程的實施 : 從課程材料到教學實踐 check Full Text
陳博 魏冰 2014. Doctoral
透過分析 PISA2006 科學素養調查數據探究澳門基礎教育的教育公平問題 check Full Text
陳敬濂 張國祥 2012. Doctoral
A comprehensive model of cognition, motivation, and self-regulation influencing students’ English oral presentation competence in technology-based EFL context check Full Text
Huang, Bo Su Du Jian Xia 2020. Doctoral
A mixed methods approach to investigating the roles of technological pedagogical content knowledge and attitudes towards technology in technology use in a sample of Chinese university EFL teachers check Full Text
Zhang, Meng Du Jian Xia 2021. Doctoral
A narrative inquiry of Chinese secondary school students' lived experiences of L1 (Chinese) and L2 (English) writing feedback
Zhang, Yi Ran Yu, Shu Lin 2023. Doctoral
A research of the teaching materials from newly excavated document of legalist's school in Pre-Han China check Full Text
Wen, Ru Jia 張偉保 2020. Doctoral

Showing 1 to 10 of 59 results