UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
教師對化學課程的實施 : 從課程材料到教學實踐
- English Abstract
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This dissertation aimed to explore the degree to which teachers adapted the curriculum materials of the new senior secondary chemistry curriculum and the factors that influenced teachers’ adaptations of these curriculum materials in China from five dimensions, namely, “teaching objectives”, “teaching strategies”, “teaching activities”, “teaching hours” and “program differentiation”. This study was based on the premise that the interaction of the teacher with curriculum materials in a given social context determines what happens in the classroom. A multiple case study was employed and six chemistry teachers in Nanjing participated in this study. Classroom observations and semi-structured interviews were used as the main research methods. Four major findings were presented as follows: (a) curriculum adaptations mainly occurred at the level of perceived curriculum and were very obvious. Conversely, only very small discrepancies existed between the operational and perceived curriculum. (b) From the intended to operational curriculum, for the five dimensions, "teaching objectives" exhibited a smaller degree of discrepancies, whereas "teaching activities" and "program differentiation" exhibited a larger degree of discrepancies, with "teaching strategies" and "teaching hours" being in the middle on the scale. (c) From the intended to perceived curriculum, there were eight factors that influenced the teachers’ adaptations of curriculum materials. Among these factors, pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), external examinations, and teaching time were the more significant factors. From the perceived to operational curriculum, there were only three factors, namely, students’ status, teaching resources and teaching time, which were less influential. (d) From the intended to perceived curriculum, the main factor that influenced the four dimensions, namely, "teaching objectives", "teaching strategies", "teaching activities" and " program differentiation" vi was PCK, and the main factor that influenced "teaching hours" was teaching time. From the perceived to operational curriculum, except "teaching strategies" which was not influenced by any factor, the main factor that influenced the three dimensions, namely, "teaching objectives", "teaching activities" and "program differentiation" was teaching resources, and the main factors that influenced "teaching hours" were students’ status and teaching time. Finally, the implications of findings and the suggestions for further studies were discussed in the last section of this dissertation.
- Chinese Abstract
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本文旨在檢視中國高中化學教師對基於標準的課程材料的使用情況。研究 的基本立場為在一定的社會情境中教師與課程材料之間的互動決定了課堂中所 發生的事件。基於上述理論視角,文章採用多個案研究法,通過“最大變異” 的選樣策略邀請了六位南京市的高中化學教師作為研究參與者,以課堂觀察和 半結構式的訪談作為主要的研究方法收集資料,從“教學目標”、“教學策 略”、“教學活動”、“教學時數”和“項目差異化”五個維度對六位教師改 編課程材料的程度以及引起他們改編課程材料的因素進行了分析。 經分析,本研究有以下四點發現:(1)在改編課程材料的程度方面,教師 對課程材料的改編主要出現在“感知課程”層次,並且改編的現象非常明顯, 而“運作課程”與“感知課程”之間只存在著很小的差異;(2)從“正式課程” 到“運作課程”,在五個分析維度中,“教學目標”維度出現差異的程度較小, “教學活動”和“項目差異化”維度出現差異的程度較大,“教學策略”和 “教學時數”這兩個維度出現差異的程度相當,處於中等地位;(3)在影響因 素方面,從“正式課程”到“感知課程”,共有 8 類因素。其中,學科教學法 知識、考試評價和教學時間為三類影響力較大的因素。從“感知課程”到“運 作課程”,只有學生狀態、教學資源和教學時間三類因素,且影響力都比較小; (4)就五個分析維度而言,從“正式課程”到“感知課程”,“教學目標”、 “教學策略”、“教學活動”和“項目差異化”這四個維度的主要影響因素都 是學科教學法知識,“教學時數”維度的主要影響因素是教學時間。從“感知 課程”到“運作課程”,除“教學策略”維度沒有影響因素外,“教學目標”、 “教學活動”和“項目差異化”這三個維度的主要影響因素都是教學資源, iv “教學時數”維度的主要影響因素是學生狀態和教學時間。最後,研究發現的 啟示以及未來研究的建議在文本的文末部分予以了相關討論。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Chemistry -- Outlines, syllabi, etc.
化學 -- 要點, 教學大綱, 等
Chemistry -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau
化學 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門
Education, Secondary -- Curricula -- Macau
高中教育 -- 課程 -- 澳門
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991007431929706306