
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
白先勇小說中的原鄉意識 = Spiritual nostalgia of Bai Xianyong
楊寶寶 龔剛 2014. Master
擺渡的意識 : 文學改編的另一種解讀 : 從 "敘事倫理" 角度論小說 "白鹿原" 改編 = Consciousness of ferrying : another interpretation of literary adaptation : an analysis of the adaptation on the Novel Bailuyuan from the perspective of narrative ethics check Full Text
馬若楠 朱壽桐 2018. Master
班固與劉勰 "離騷" 評論堪論初探 = A primary study of the criticism on Lisao by Bangu and Liuxie check Full Text
王雪婷 鄧國光 2019. Master
北京話, 餘杭話和廣州話指示詞的對比研究 = A comparative study of demonstratives in Beijing dialect, Yuhang dialect and Guangzhou dialect check Full Text
戴樹成 徐杰 2021. Master
北京話、 廣州話、 潮汕話的疑問句對比研究 = The differences and similarities in the interrogative sentence among Beijing language, Cantonese and Chiuchow
鄭琳 徐杰 2014. Master
比較《塵埃落定》與《喧嘩與騷動》癡傻視角下的不可靠敘事 = A comparison of the unreliable narratives of "Red Poppies" and "The Sound and the Fury" from a silly perspective check Full Text
鄺頌藍 龔剛 2023. Master
博羅客家話的多功能詞 "將" = Multifunctional word "Jiang" in Boluo Hakka dialect check Full Text
鍾慧超 徐宇航 2023. Master
不能夠終止的超越 : 論張煒小說創作中的救贖主題 = The infinite surpassing : a study on the theme of salvation in Zhang Wei's novels check Full Text
王銳敏 朱壽桐 2012. Master
不同句法位置對"像X一樣"結構選擇限制研究 = Constraints of syntactic position on the choice of "xiàng X yí yàng" structure check Full Text
蘭瑾 陳忠 2022. Master
禪宗法眼系與南唐文學 = The Fayan lineage of Chan Buddhism and the literature of Southern Tang
陳文麗 賈晉華 2011. Master

Showing 91 to 100 of 477 results