
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
翻轉課堂教學模式在澳門數學科的行動研究 check Full Text
區錦豪 江春蓮 2020. Master
翻轉課堂模式如何影響中國初中生的EFL課堂參與 : 一項對比案例研究
姚思琪 唐小為 2024. Master
反叛英雌 : 論廬隱的反叛精神 = Rebellious hero : on Lu Yin's rebellious spirit check Full Text
陸麗媚 朱壽桐 2015. Master
反洗黑錢及反恐融資審查對澳門銀行業的影響和未來挑戰 = The impact of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing on Macau's banking industry and the future challenges check Full Text
盧嘉欣 何慶文 2022. Master
販賣毒品罪若干問題研究 = A study on various issues of drug trafficking
江雪梅 趙國強 2016. Master
方言島消亡機制研究 = A study on the mechanism of disappearance of dialect islands check Full Text
張宸瑞 徐大明 2016. Master
防疫政策對澳門雙城移工的影響 = Coping with Covid-19 : cross-border migrant workers in Macau check Full Text
方俊麗 Lu, Melody Chia-Wen 2022. Master
房產稅法律制度研究 = Research on the legal system of realestate tax check Full Text
薛雨婷 王薇 2018. Master
房地產企業破產中購房者權益保護研究 = The protection of the estate consumers' rights in bankruptcy procedure of real estate companies check Full Text
蔡葛勝 范劍虹 2016. Master
非編碼 RNA 在卵巢癌差異性表達的薈萃分析 check Full Text
魏瑋 梁少偉 2018. Master

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