
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
Storytelling of conflict : morality and socialization in parent-child interaction
Chen, Hui Min, Kim Younhee 2024. Doctoral
Task-based teaching of English in China's Mainland : a case study of four "master" teachers
Chen, Pei Wilhelm, Kim Hughes 2008. Doctoral
Join "me" for the alignment : investigating the appraisal construed and reconstrued in media texts and their translations check Full Text
Qian, Hong 張美芳 2011. Doctoral
Constructing a model for meaning-dimension interpreting quality assessment : from SFL perspective
Ouyang, Qian Hua 張美芳 2012. Doctoral
Stance mediation in news translation : a case study of sensitive discourse on China 2008
Pan, Li 張美芳 2012. Doctoral
Syntactic overshadowing and blocking in learning Chinese as a second language : a case of learning the Ba-Construction check Full Text
Hou, Xiao Ming 靳洪剛 2020. Doctoral
Cognitive effort in written translation of Chinese neologisms : an eye-tracking and keylogging study
Chen, Jin Jin Li, Defeng 2022. Doctoral
A cross-cultural community of practice in creative writing check Full Text
Malilang, Chrysogonus Siddha Kelen Christopher 2018. Doctoral
The late eighteenth-century confluence of British-German sentimental literature: Goethe's absorption of Mackenzie's The Man of Feeling, and Jane Austen's parody of Goethe's Die Leiden des jungen Werthers as case studies
Jiang, Xiao Hu Matthew Gibson 2018. Doctoral
PFAH(LING-E) 000 (SAMPLE) A corpus approach to assessing college students' development of intercultural communicative competence in a college English course in mainland China
Liu, Sui Ling Corbett John 2017. Doctoral

Showing 1 to 10 of 54 results