
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
PFLL(Economic Juridical Sciences) 000 (SAMPLE) As relações económicas e comerciais entre a China e os países Africanos de língua oficial Portuguesa : alguns aspectos juridicos e economicos = Economic and trade relations between China and African Portuguese-speaking countries : some legal and economic aspects
Machava, Almeida Zacarias Porto Manuel Carlos Lopes 2013. Doctoral
PFLL(Constitutional Law, Basic Law and Administrative Law) 000 (SAMPLE) 論撤銷之訴的法構造
高鵬 蔣朝陽 2018. Doctoral
PFLL(Law) 000 (SAMPLE) 探研宗教與法律在婚姻秩序中的共通 : 以兩岸四地夫妻忠實義務管制為例
國熙 涂廣建 2017. Doctoral
EU rule of law promotion abroad and its cooperation with China in the context of international rule of law
Zhang, Jiao 曾令良 2014. Doctoral
PFLL(Criminal Law) 000 (SAMPLE) 我國單位犯罪刑事責任機制研究
楊慧 趙國強 2018. Doctoral
PFLL 000 (SAMPLE) 論撤銷之訴的法構造
高鵬 蔣朝陽 2018. Doctoral
PFLL(Legal History and Philosophy) 000 (SAMPLE) 十六至十九世紀澳門法律史研究 : 以私人生活領域的團體為主
王華 唐曉晴 2017. Doctoral
比較視域中的犯罪論體系 : 由差異至普適
潘星丞 趙國強 2014. Doctoral
PFLL(International Law) 000 (SAMPLE) Cooperation and procedural centralization in insolvency cases for multi-jurisdictional enterprise groups : a proposal for Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR
Li, Xiao Lin 涂廣建 2018. Doctoral
PFLL(Civil Law) 000 (SAMPLE) 民法中的哲學 : 民法上實質 (substantia) 與本質 (essentia) 理論的古典哲學起源與演變
吳奇琦, 唐曉晴 2018. Doctoral

Showing 1 to 10 of 129 results