
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Water governance in a changing climate : adaptation strategy of EU water law
Li, Wen Jing Castro, Paulo Canelas de 2011. Master
論管理規章 : 以澳門分層所有權制度為中心
陳轅 唐曉晴 2008. Master
O combate ao branqueamento de capitais e o segredo profissional
Mergulhao O, Sofia Andrade, Costa 2008. Master
Challenges in electronic payment methods : legal issues with a specific reference to the development in China
Yu, Ya Yan Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2009. Master
民法自然人人格的歷史變遷及其對我國未來民法典的啟示 = The historical changes of natural human personality in the civil law and it's implications for China's Civil Code in the future
劉方輝 唐曉晴 2009. Master
論澳門刑事訴訟中的自由心證原則 = On the evidence evaluaion principle in Macau Criminal Procedure Law
何駿豪 趙國強 2009. Master
傾銷損害確定的法律問題研究 = Analysis of legal problems in determination of injury in antidumping law
吳凌雲 范劍虹 2012. Master
As relacoes entre a Constituicao da Republica Popular da China, a Lei Basica da Regiao Administrativa Especial de Macau e a Lei de Producao Legislativa
Lam, Weng Tong 2007. Master
Do mundo real ao mundo virtual : alguns aspectos juridicos-criminais da vida cibercomunitaria
馮文莊, 2000. Master
關於中國內地食品安全法律制度若干問題的研究: 由安徽阜陽劣質奶粉事件引發的幾點思考
侯米蘭 駱偉建 2006. Master

Showing 31 to 40 of 954 results