
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
小學語文教科書中的生命教育內容分析 : 以《活學中國語文》及《中國語文》四至六年級之課文篇章為例
麥穎欣 宋明娟 2023. Master
林曉彤 唐小為 2023. Master
Challenges of and strategies in teaching Chinese tones : a study on teachers of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) in Macau check Full Text
Zhai, Si Yu 龔陽 2023. Master
Challenges and strategies of promoting student engagement in online classes : a study on teachers of Chinese as a foreign language
Pang, Qiao Wen 龔陽 2023. Master
Artistic creative performances across socio-cultural factors : a comparison between Guizhou's and Macao's 4-8 years old students in China
Wong, Ka Ian 黃鏡英 2023. Master
On student silence in senior secondary English classrooms based on hermeneutic phenomenology
Wu, Dong Mei 王燕 2023. Master
中英中學數學教材比較研究 : 以《直線的方程》為例
余美珍 江春蓮 2023. Master
Exploring the role of rumination in the relationship between social support and social appearance anxiety
Guo, Ying Chao 陳薇文 2023. Master
基於科學素養的中國高中化學課程變化的內容分析 check Full Text
林佳依 魏冰 2023. Master
長者學習需求特徵及其影響因素探析 : 以澳門長者教育機構X為例
許梁欽 黃素君 2023. Master

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