UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
Title | Author | Supervisor | Issue Date arrow_drop_down | Degree |
傳統醫藥知識保護進展和法規比較 |
王談凌 | 卞鷹 | 2006. | Master |
The international development of pharmaceutical industry of PRC : the role of Macao SAR |
Cou, Maria Perpetua | 2005. | Master | |
病例分型管理對澳門私立醫院管理的啟示與借鑒 |
林潤明 | 卞鷹 | 2005. | Master |
利用毛細管電泳技術測定淫羊藿中4種黃酮類成分的含量 |
劉京京, | 李紹平 | 2005. | Master |
The development and evaluation of human resources of doctors in Macao SAR |
Ng, Weng Man | 卞鷹 | 2005. | Master |
中國醫藥產業新藥研發創新 (R&D) 策略研究 |
謝輝 | 王一濤 | 2005. | Master |
中國、美國及歐盟化妝品監管體系的比較研究 |
裏筱竹 | 卞鷹 | 2005. | Master |
中國大陸與澳門藥品標籤、說明書規範性與可讀性的比較研究 |
高崧 | 卞鷹 | 2005. | Master |
Chemical components and quality control of Rhizoma Curcumae orginated from three species of plants |
Yang, Feng Qing | 李紹平 | 2005. | Master |
Qualitative and quantitative studies on nucleotides of Ganoderma by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS |
Gao, Jian Li | Yu, Zhi Ling | 2005. | Master |
Showing 651 to 660 of 690 results